Lung cancer is a cancer that originates in the tissues of the lungs or the cells lining the airways.Lung Cancer originates when normal lung cells become abnormal, usually after a series of mutations, and begin to devide out of control. The most common cause of lung cancer is long-term exposure to tobacco smoke.

                                                                         ~ coughing
                                                                         ~ weight loss
                                                                         ~ shortness of breath
                                                                         ~ chest, bone pain
                                                                         ~ coughing blood   
                                                                         ~ fever
                                                                         ~ wheezing
                                                                         ~ fatigue

                                                                          Surgery and Radiotherapy or used in an early stage of the tumor, it 
                                                                          depends on how big or small the tumor is and what kind of other
                                                                          options you still have.
                                                                          Chemotherapy depends on the cancer type.      

                                                                          ~prognosis is generally poor
                                                                          ~of all patients 15% survive for 5 years after the diagnosis 
                                                                          ~the prognosis depends on the stage of the type b                                                           

Pancreatic cancer is a malignant tumor of the pancreas. It has been called a "silent" disease because early pancreatic cancer usually does not cause sypmtoms. Pancreatic cancer is the fourth most common cause of cancer-related deaths in the US and the eighth worldwide. The risk of developing pancreatic cancer increases with age. 

A surgery as option as a treament depends on the stage of                  the cancer. The Whipple procedure is the most common attempted curative surgical treatment for cancers involving the head of the pancreas.
A radiation can be considered in several situation. On situation is the addition of radiation therapy after potentially curative surgery.

                                                                   ~pain in the upper abdomen
                                                                   ~loss of appetite 
                                                                   ~weight loss
                                                                   ~clinical depression
                                                                   ~yellow tint to whites of the eyes or yellowish skin
                                                                   ~diabetes mellitus or elevated blood sugar levels 

                                                                    ~for all stages combined, the 1-year relative survival rate is 25% and the 
                                                                      5-year survival is estimated as less than 5%  to 6%
                                                                    ~for local disease, the 5-year survival is approximately 20%
                                                                    ~locally advanced and metastatic disease, the median survival is about
                                                                      10 and 6 months respectively, without active treatment 3-5 months 

    About the Founder of CCO

    My name is Anna & I´m a student at the age of 17. It all started with an instagram page after I got diagnosed with a tumor last year in november. This page is for all kinds of cancer, to support them all! 


    Awareness Month
    Own Thoughts


    Dezember 2012
    November 2012